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I Have A Part-Time Home Business – So How Do I Get More Energy?

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Most people today are ramping at the bit to get ahead in life, they realise it’s not good to rely on 1 to 2 incomes coming into the home, so a lot of people spend time reviewing home businesses. Makes sense right?

There are some awesome systems out there today and most are online, the average income is a good $30,000 in additional income per year on top of what you’re earning already, so no wonder that over 90 Million people are getting into a side hustle.

But this is the challenge. Their diaries are already filled! Kids, sports, activities, friends and dinners so it’s not like they are just hanging about twiddling thumbs. So it’s inevitable your energy will drop…but your production needs to stay high. If you’re finding this to be the case. Then check out the tips below.

How Do I Get More Energy?

Energy. It’s everywhere. But why do most people have a hard time getting it? Michael McQueen said in his book ‘Momentum’ where he explains, these days our nervous system get bombarded with up to 2 Million bits of information a second. So by the time you’ve read that sentence…it’s no wonder you need a sleep.

So How Do I Get More Energy? It’s actually very simple.

  • Don’t Snooze Your Alarm

Your body needs on average 7-8 hours of sleep a night – this isn’t new information but many people hit the snooze button until the very last minute. By falling back to sleep, you could disrupt your hormonal cycle which has a ripple effect over the course of the day lowering you energy levels. If you’re one to snooze over 20 minutes. Try setting your alarm 20 minutes later and place your alarm not within arms reach. This means you need to get out of bed to turn it off.

  • Drink Warm Water With Fresh Lemon Juice ASAP

Providing you’ve eaten dinner 2-3 hours before bed. Your digestive system has had a break over the course of the night. Instead of jumping into a sugary stimulant – Coffee. Give your digestion a chance by stimulating it’s juices and getting it ready for a nutritious breakfast. Try and wait 20 minutes after your lemon water before food. If you would like to know what I recommend as an healthy breakfast option. Read USANA Nutrimeal Review This is a great replacement for the sugary cereals that are at eye level on the supermarket shelves. USANA Nutrimeal is quick effective, Certified Low GI supplying your body with a sustained level of energy. Buy USANA Nutrimeal

  • Get Exercising

I don’t think this needs an explanation however research is very clear. If you exercise moderately 4-5 times per week. You will not only live longer but you will increase your energy levels on average 20% more over the course of the day than if you didn’t exercise. Try it and see for yourself.

  • Keep A Good Snack On Your Desk

If you find your energy levels dip in the afternoon, you’re normal. Most people suffer the most in the afternoon because they may have eaten a big lunch then they relax at their desk. Protein and Fiber will help stabilize the blood sugar levels and this helps boost energy levels so having a healthy low GI snack about 90 min after lunch could help maintain your energy levels as could just walking a little more around the office.

  • Take A Multi With Lunch

A lot of people take a good Multi-Vitamin at lunch to help boost energy levels. It makes sense. This will deliver valuable essential nutrients to the body supplying more energy over the afternoon. USANA Scientists have uncovered a breakthrough in nutritional science. Called InCelligence.
USANA InCelligence Complex interacts with your own DNA to boost it’s own cellular antioxidant levels which are way more powerful than the nutrients from food alone. USANA Cellsentials have garnered a lot of attention as a way to boost your energy levels. Watch a 2 Minute Clip on

  • Have A Health Nutritious Dinner

I hope you’re seeing a pattern here. It’s all about Eating Right for Energy. Good healthy food delivers the essential nutrients and co-factors to sustain us day in and day out. If you are stuck in a rut and not too sure which way to go with your eating. Contact The Nutritionist Dale Folland. He analyses your day to day eating based on your personal goals, lifestyle and habits and provides you with some simple solutions to manage your health better and Improve Your Energy Levels.

Newlives Nutrition  Dale offers a global nutrition consultation service. Check out the Pros and Cons of their Product Partner

I hope you can see now How To Get More Energy. These are simple approaches to improving energy levels. Try one or try them all…I promise you’ll see a difference.

Perfect Health Supplements Nutritionist.

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Dale FollandI Have A Part-Time Home Business – So How Do I Get More Energy?