Hi, I’m Dale Folland Home Business Advisor

Dale serves on an independent advisory council for a billion dollar publicly listed company. He assists alongside others with developing new initiatives in the New Zealand market and helps maintain the growth of the company’s customer base and of the home business entrepreneurs it serves.
Most people have little understanding of what it is they would like to do when they look at home based businesses. However, finding the right company to partner with is critical, seeing value and being passionate about their product line is paramount. But finding the right team and coach is something you shouldn’t take lightly and this is where I can help.
Hi, my name is Dale. I’m a home business entrepreneur, Nutritionist, business trainer, speaker and a SuperDad!

How I Started My home based business 

I had no experience in home based businesses, or business in general but I chose a home business that was a safe choice, a simple system, had a premium service, publicly listed and a product that was second to none…literally! It was pleasing to see normal people succeeding.
But like anything you own, I began to treat it differently than my job and things started to happen. I started to make a profit…albeit it small it was words than everyone likes to hear.

My home based business is in the Health and Wellness Industry and since 2003, I’ve worked this in between the nooks and crannies my full time job. After a short time working on a part-time basis I chose to leave my full time job.
Now I enjoy the flexibility and freedom to choose the hours I work and who I work with – imagine that…not having to wake up early to go to a job! I tell you something – it’s a great feeling. Allow me to show you how to experience it!
But remember consistency is a key. Developing a new skill is important plus having about 5 – 10 hours per week will help you practice those skills.

Hit the ‘Contact Us Now’ below and we’ll be in touch

Amp up your week. Kick major ass and have a damn good time along the way

So, would it be worth it for you to work with us for a year?

Today my life is different, a lot different. As one of New Zealand’s top income earners, I guarantee I know what I’m doing. Our team here are looking for like-minded partners to expand bigger and faster! Make an educated decision for yourself whether this home based business could work for you by filling in then submitting our brief form on the home page.

Sounds great but got questions?

Is it important to partner with the right team?

We are a group of likeminded individuals who are now all trained to think differently about time and money. You see, all of us are like you – just normal everyday people. But we don’t accept the old fashioned way about making money that had you believe by working hard without the financial rewards you deserved begin to change as you step into a new way of thinking. The result: a real shot at time and financial independence. A journey of personal growth, leadership and understanding truly just how to get what you want by helping others get what they want.
Our background is varied ranging from 18 yrs and into the 70’s and their professional backgrounds are from stay at home mum’s to airline pilots, real estate, Dr’s, students, IT design, orthopedic surgeons, accountants, mechanics, road workers, managers, vodafone sales people and health professionals. But we have one common ground, we wanted more than what our jobs were giving us – some wanted balance, others time, while some needed their health back. We love the people aspect and we either have already or are working towards financial independence and we love to say ‘we run our own business…’ it’s just something about those words that we like!
We connect you to a work from home business system that has worked for thousands of people in our team here in NZ and around the globe. If you agree to be teachable, and you can hold fast to a vision for the time it takes to bring it to fruition, then quite possibly you have found what you are looking for right here.

INCOME DISCLAIMER $88,000USD ($112,404NZD approx) is the average yearly income for an established, full-time home business owner who has partnered with our home business product company. $23,225USD ($38,340NZD approx) is the annual average of those who earned as little as one commission cheque each month. Results are only from successful business efforts, which require hard work, diligence, and leadership. Please ask and I will forward you the complete full, audited income disclaimer.

Just say Yes! Your life will not move forward with a No!

Don't edit yourself out, you've come this far

So text me on 021-706-235 or email: dale@dalefolland.com You just never know!

Contact Me Now!
Dale FollandAbout Dale