I read in a popular NZ trading website recently the typical income statistics for jobs. In 2013, 95% of people in NZ earned…
less than $42,000, take tax off that and your income is less than $700 p/week. When Westpac Bank mentioned we spent more than we make, it became clear something needed to be done!
I had nothing to lose by reviewing home based businesses.
And I’m pleased I did because now I get to help others achieve a very different result in their lives. Everyday, 47 people in NZ retire (and increasing daily due to the baby boomers) 45 of these people will retire on just the pension with little to no savings. Only two people will retire on over $40,000 per year. It’s understood that most of the 47 were offered a opportunity (business opportunity / career change / partnership / overseas opportunity) at one point to change direction in life and potentially improve their quality of life and income, 45 declined – But 2 people didn’t – when you learn about the reasons behind multiple income streams and understand the simplisity of creating it, you’ll kick yourself you need start a home based business earlier!
Is this your time? Email me now on dale@dalefolland.com
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