Home Business – Newsletter March 2016:
Our children remember the time you spent with them over the things you buy for them. Therefore it’s critical you spend time with your family as you will never get this time back and is mostly a driving factor in everyone I speak with.
The second driving factor is money. Most people do not have a sense of direction and are conditioned to work a job. They have a mindset, or a default setting to work ‘for the man’ as they say. But does it have to be like that? Contact me for an informal chat to see if you can fit this in – see yourself as a higher value and things will change. Text me on 021 706-235 or email me on dale@dalefolland.com
The sooner you embrace that YOU are the most important product that someone is buying, the sooner your business will begin to grow and the sooner you will develop time and financial independence – yes it’ll be hard but no harder than what you’re doing at work! Most people who want to start a home based business tend to have self limiting beliefs that prevent them from taking action…what’s a self limiting belief? Basically a Fear. A Fear they will not be effective, a fear it’ll fail, they think it’s a scam, they think they will have to sell to their friends, think they can’t sell, a fear at what people will think…and the list goes on.
Home Businesses in New Zealand have many facets and you’ll be very surprised at what we do. So learn and understand first then make the educated decision based on facts, not assumptions so believe that a home business is the way forward for you…because 16,000 people in NZ are asking the same question to Google each week. We’re growing fast! This may be just what you’re looking for.
I encourage people to review their last 3 years…and look where they are today. If you’re not happy with the result, the time you own, the money in your bank, the debt you have…then if you continue on with doing the same thing, the next 3 years will be exactly the same. Pretty sure that’s the definition of insanity…doing the same thing over and over but wanting a different result.
Contact me and we can chat about if you’re suitable to what it is we do. I’m not too worried about your choices from here…I’ve been a stay-at-home Dad with a fantasitc income and all the time in the world for the past 11 years…so I have nothing to lose if you choose the easy way out and exit – but ask yourself if you deserve something more, what about your family – do they deserve more than you’re providing?
If you or they do…reach out. It could be quite possibly the home based business you’re after. If it’s not…bloody well done on reviewing it…you’re half way there to getting a better future for yourself because you’re looking.