Who are we?
We are a group of like-minded individuals all trained to think differently about our time and creating an income around it. You see – all of us are like you, just normal everyday people. But we don’t accept or trust the old fashioned way of making money anymore. We’ve all been conditioned from 5 years old to go to school, get educated, find a job – retire rich!
How did that work out for the majority? Not so well right!
By checking us out you get a real shot at a different option in life; a journey of personal growth, leadership and understanding truly just how to get what you want simply by helping others get what they want.
Click Here to get in contact.
Business Hours
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Committed to your Success
Don't edit yourself out, you've come this far
So text me on 021-706-235 or email: dale@dalefolland.com You just never know!